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Dreamtime Healing with Holographic Kinetics

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"An Advanced Healing Modality for the Future from the Past." 
Creator - Steve Richards 

Steve Richards, an Aboriginal descendant, and creator of Holographic Kinetics has combined the knowledge of his culture with 50 years of research to bring us this powerful modality. He knows that the ‘old ways’ are where we gain a deep understanding of how our world truly works. He is committed to teaching and educating about the ways of his culture so that this knowledge can reach as many people as possible.


Holographic Kinetics incorporates the understanding of maths and geometry to be able to access and communicate with the spirit of a being. Holographic Kinetics acknowledges that everything in nature is alive and therefore has a spirit that can be communicated with – from a rock or tree to an animal or person.
























Because Holographic Kinetics understands the multi-dimensional nature of this world and the way it affects us, sessions are also able to deal with inter-dimensional interference which is a hugely under-acknowledged aspect of wellbeing. Holographic Kinetics allows us to clear inter-dimensional interference (also known as "entities") and also enables us to clear trapped spirits (also known as "spirit possessions").



Working with Spirit......

Your spirit knows everything that has ever happened to you and therefore when we work with spirit we can access any dimension we need to in order to get to the original creation point of your issues and clear them in that dimension. Holographic Kinetics allows us to deal with issues from this life, including issues while in the womb or at birth. Sessions may also go back to a past life or somewhere on the genetic line.

We are multi-dimensional beings in a multi-dimensional world.....

Holographic Kinetics works to clear thought patterns -thoughts are seen as alive and living in their own dimension. Thought-forms become life-forms and keep you stuck in time repeating the same things over and over.  Once you create a thought-form and give it life, it then has the right to be fed. If you are the host of a thought-form of anger and keep giving it energy, then it seeks its own survival by seeking out more anger. It will become very aware of your reactors and triggers in order to keep the flow of anger feeding it.

"UNDER UNIVERSAL LAW, like attracts like, and therefore that created thought or emotion, which is trapped, seeks its own frequency for its survival. And it starts to repeat the same cycle, time and time again, as the past and the present set up the cycles of the future. This then manifests into the visible as effect, in the form of pain, anxiety, depression, stress, fear, anger, guilt, self-punishment, confusion, or any number of other ways."

​Energy is captured only through stress – this is how we get blockages. This modality works to clear trapped energy on all levels in all dimensions so that your energy is in a free-flowing state.

When we get stuck in trauma, we get stuck in time and cannot break out of the cycle. It is the same with inter-dimensional interference (negative entities) and trapped spirits (spirit possessions). They will keep us stuck in time and unable to move forward in control of our own spirit. Holographic Kinetics is about working with your spirit to find the cause of the effect of your issues, no matter what dimension that may be on. Your spirit knows all and so by working with it, we are able to bring balance to all your creations so that you can break free of your past and anything that is holding you back.

Tree Lined Path

"The key to all of this – remember, you’ve got a forwards and backwards, you got an up and a down, you got a left and a right and a high and a low but between all of those is point zero. The point of the observer. At point zero you can be observer of the game and you’re not reacting to anything and you’re not taking on anything.
And that is the greatest key of all."  - Steve Richards

How do I get a session?

Holographic Kinetics sessions are to be done in person for adults. Children and animals can be done remotely with a surrogate. Face-to-face sessions are available in Whangarei. Contact me for availability.


The cost of a session is $90.


What does it involve?

For the session, you will need to bring along a list of about 3-5 issues that are causing you problems currently and you will be taken through a process of connecting with your spirit to find the creation point of your issues - the cause of the effect. We work through what we have time for in a 60 min session.

A session involves you lying face-up on a massage table and you are in a fully conscious state the whole time. Be aware that once you create your list of issues, your spirit has already received the message that your intent is to heal and shift, and so often this can begin prior to the session so just be mindful if you have overwhelming emotions in the days before and see what is coming up for you.

For more in-depth information and videos about this modality please go to the main website at the link below....

© 2021 Indigo Insights

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